Unknown / Starts automatically after previous quest
And the village is prospering once again. Don't rest on your llama fur though! The night sky is veiled... I hear beasts howling in the wind... the lunar eclipse is near. And that is foretelling only one thing - trouble! Let's go to the temple of my mistress and see if everything's alright.
Get To The Temple (In Village Under Eclipse)
Oh my goddess! The temple is overrun by predators! I know it sounds crazy, but I think they're trying to attack the Moon itself! We need to help the poor citizens, or else... well I can't see how the beasts could reach the Moon, but nobody wants those bloodthirsty animals roaming around the city!
Scare The Predators Off (2) (In Village Under Eclipse)
The temple is safe once again, thanks to you. And it seems the eclipse has just ended! Go and collect the remaining pieces of the plate from the temple. We'll talk after.
Get The Pieces Of The Plate (3) (In Village Under Eclipse)
Talk To Mama Quilla's Priestess (In Village Under Eclipse)