Unknown / Starts automatically after previous quest
My master needs to be awoken, yes. But where? A festival! I bet they're already breathlessly expecting me. It's not every day that a star like me decides to attend their plebeian festivities.
Talk To Tezcatlipoca's Priest (In Toxcatl Festival)
The festival preparations are underway! The most beautiful man in the city must ascend the steps to the pyramid where my master sleeps to make a sacrifice. I'd love to help you with all the work, but these are musician's hands. I have to go easy on myself, you know?
Help Prepare The Festival (3) (In Toxcatl Festival)
That beautiful young man did what he had to do to wake my master, so don't let it go to waste! Now it's up to you to put the pieces of my master's plate on the pedestals and wake him up. Ah, I bet he's missed me practicing my flute playing.
Place The Pieces On Pedestals (6) (In Toxcatl Festival)
Wake Tezcatlipoca (In Toxcatl Festival)
Heh, so... I forgot to tell you, my master doesn't really like random humans staring at him. It makes him uncomfortable. No wonder he fled so fast! But I suppose I can tell you what to do next.
Talk To Tezcatlipoca's Priest (In Toxcatl Festival)