Unknown / Starts automatically after previous quest
There are footsteps leading out of the temple! I'd never follow them on my own, but now that you're here with me, Diggy, let's do it. Let's see where my attackers took the calendar.
Follow The Footprints (12) (In Thieves' Tracks)
I know what happened here! The hole in the ground... The calendar was broken into three parts! There are three paths leading away from the scene of the crime... It must mean each of the gods that beat me up took a piece of my calendar. Quick, explore the paths, we need to find out more!
Explore The 1st Path (In Thieves' Tracks)
Explore The 2nd Path (In Thieves' Tracks)
Explore The 3rd Path (In Thieves' Tracks)
Each of the gods that attacked me belongs to a different civilization! One is Aztec, one is Mayan and one is Inca! But you never found a piece of the calendar among the Aztec gods... One of them must be lying.