Come meet me in the swamp. I'd ask if you were sure you wanted to wake my master Ah Puch, but... I mean, you came to me. It was your choice and I'm in no way responsible for what happens after.
Talk To Ah Puch's Priestess (In Swamp Temple)
Don't fall in love with the swamp too much, we won't stay here forever. My master is asleep in the Underworld, and to get there, we must enter his temple and open the portal. Get your plate pieces ready.
Enter The Underworld (In Swamp Temple)
Place Plate Pieces On Pedestals (6) (In Swamp Temple)
Wake Ah Puch (In Swamp Temple)
The Underworld smells like fire and brimstone and... like something died there. And from the clouds of green mist, the god of death, Ah Puch himself, rises, finally awake. What happens next is shrouded in mystery.