Hold that thought, Diggy! I just remembered I haven't even checked on my mom Chimalman yet! I might be a snake, but family slithers together. Please make sure she's okay and help her with whatever she needs. Then we can get to your problem.
Talk To Chimalman (In Chimalman's House)
I haven't seen my son Quetzalcoatl in centuries. I've been so worried. Not about him, just about setting a foot out of this house. I really don't want to get shot by an arrow again... Please help me fortify this place!
Help Chimalman (3) (In Chimalman's House)
My home is as impenetrable as my will to not get shot by an arrow again. Which means I need one more thing - a super-shield! With that, I'll be able to finally walk freely outside once more.
Bring The Super-shield To Chimalman (In Chimalman's House)