0:29 - Album Photo 1.
0:58 - Search for 3 milk cans.
2:09 - Treasure Part.
8:01 - Take the pie to the festival.
8:25 - Album Photo 2.
9:19 - Use levers to connect the rails correctly.
11:17 - Treasure Part 2.
13:03 - Go further towards the festival.
14:29 - Cut the pie and place them on the tables.
15:29 - Speak to Lucy, quest done.
Maps credit: Roeland Stam
Click on the map to load a bigger version in new tab that can be further zoomed
Start position
Gate to different part of location
Required for main quest
Bake The Pie (In Harvest Feast)
Distribute The Pie Pieces (12) (In Harvest Feast)
Talk To Lucy Goodwin (In Harvest Feast)
Quest Rewards: