Double Production Week


Double Production Week

During this special week, you get double the amount of items in your kitchen, caravan and foundry! Make your camels, cook and metallurgist work day and night during this week as you get double of everything in the same amount of resources!

This week usually comes twice each year.
Next expected: October 2020

Tips and Strategies

  1. Cook the best of the best in all buildings.
  2. Prepare in advance - make sure you save up a lot of the raw materials you need for the best recipes. You can make some less energetic food few weeks before this week so that you have enough materials to cook the best during the week.
  3. Login to game as often as possible to restart the food productions.
  4. The cooking materials from events should be saved and those event recipes should be cooked during this week (yes you can cook event recipes even after event ends), if their energy per minute is more than the regular recipes.
  5. Scroll down for some building-wise tips! (Kitchen, caravan, foundry)

Building-wise & Region-wise Tips and Strategies


Cook the food that gives the most amount of energy per minute. Refer to the kitchen cooking guide for the energy per minute values.

These are the best ones to cook region-wise:

Egypt: Caramel Apple, Grilled Fish. (Depending on time you have)
Scandinavia: Dill Soup. (Berry muffin only if you're out of dill)
China: Kung Pao Chicken. (Save lot of shiitake mushrooms in advance, Bowl of Rice if you run out)
Atlantis: Seaweed Soup, Boiled Lobster. (Better to go for lobster in this week since energy per minute is same)
Greece: Olive Plate, Greek Lemonade. (Olive Plate if you have the ingredients, else lemonade is good enough)
New World: Chilli Soup. (Save those chillis and herbs weeks in advance)


If you love the game and checkin often, unlikely you're out of sugar or flour, so I'd recommend going for some other things this week. Choose the shortest duration as possible depending on how often you can login.

I recommend these region-wise:

Egypt: Apples for your recipes. Flour/Sugar if you don't have enough.
Scandinavia: Stones for your underground game. Apples to convert to pillars if stone is not what you want for underground camp.
China: Apples to buy pillars with.
Atlantis: The atlantean recepies require quite a lot of wood, check your stock. If you got enough, get apples.
Greece: Apples to buy pillars with.
New World: Apples to buy pillars with.


Foundry can get you a lot of experience if used right during this week.

Here are some region-wise tips:

Egypt: Bronzes, one after the other. Needs quite some materials so use foundry only during this week.
Scandinavia: Bronzes, Irons if out of bronze materials. Use caravans to get wood/coal if you're short of it.
China: Dragon ingots (Only during this week because of doubling, make bronzes otherwise). Never make jadiete key during this week as it's not doubled and wastes the precious time.
Atlantis: Orichalcums. Use caravans to get wood/coal if you're short of it.
Greece: Adamantine steels (Only during this week because of doubling, pillar value increase is not much for regular days).
New World: Amazoniums. You can prepare for this by making it's raw materials before the week starts. Never make obsidian key during this week as it's not doubled and wastes the precious time.