This is a community event where all the players work together in building something. Minimum level required is 50.
Generally, there are 3 main locations with a lot of event material and 3 repeatable mines that can be dug every 4 hours.
The obtained event material has to be exchanged in the event screen which can be accessed by an icon to the right of screen when in camp:
This is the screen you should get:
The event material you obtain from the mines can be exchanged for special coins (sailor coins in this case) using the contribute button. The coins you obtain can be used to buy gems, rings or equipment from shop. Exchanging coins also fills up the achievement.
The main location (xyz in progress) is divided into 8 floors and has lots of rewards. 1 floor is unlocked for every 12.5% your region completes.
You can see the region progress at the top of the event screen.
There is a gate on each floor. The key to the gates is obtained from achievement rewards (8 levels, 8 keys to 8 floors).
Faster your region exchanges the material for coins, faster you fill progress bar and unlock floors! So go ahead and contribute. Usually all regions reach 100% by weekend.
The main item - Golden Ticket is on the last floor. You can purchase one of the best equipments in game with that.
Floor | Region Progress | Material Exchanged (for achievement) |
Total material exchanged |
1 | 12.5% | 50 | 50 |
2 | 25% | 55 | 105 |
3 | 37.5% | 60 | 165 |
4 | 50% | 65 | 230 |
5 | 62.5% | 70 | 300 |
6 | 75% | 75 | 375 |
7 | 87.5% | 85 | 460 |
8 | 100% | 100 | 560 |
They will move after your region progresses through the event. Keep track of the progress at the top of the event screen. For every 12.5% your region completes, the men will move to the next floor.
The key is obtained from your achievement reward. If you can't collect the achievement either, you might have forgotten to exchange the material for coins, do that with the contribute button on event screen.
No, except the good wishes of players from your region for helping the region reach 100%.
You must be atleast level 50 to get this event and must have completed the first quest of Isis questline.