1:38 - Move stones to reach sheep.
2:03 - Oops, sheep running away, chase them.
3:57 - Enter the cave.
4:55 - Put barrel of wine on the top left of machine.
7:51 - Enter the inner cave.
9:35 - Found somnolent flowers for making wine dizzy.
10:27 - Treasure Part.
12:00 - Align 2 blue lasers with the receivers using mirrors.
22:30 - Put flowers on the top right of machine.
22:44 - Drag empty barrels at the bottom of machine.
24:13 - Turn valve.
24:21 - Drag newly filled barrel back to giant Polyphemus.
25:18 - Pick up copper key.
25:55 - Open copper gate and pull lever.
25:54 - Place colored stones over correct skeleton.
27:08 - Grab 4 sheep wools to disguise crew.
27:16 - Get orange key.
27:33 - Open orange gate.
27:49 - Grab sausage.
28:11 - Put sausage in bowl to lure the dog.
29:20 - Use mirrors to focus the yellow beam in giant Polyphemus' eyes.
Maps credit: Roeland Stam
Tiles: 737
Energy Required: 1,049,890
Clear Bonus: 105,000
Materials: 41,783
Available After:
Unknown / Starts automatically after previous quest
Get Sheep (In Shepherd's Island)
Put Polyphemos To Sleep (In Shepherd's Island)
Disguise The Crew As Sheep (In Shepherd's Island)
Blind Polyphemos (In Shepherd's Island)
Run To The Ships (In Shepherd's Island)
Quest Rewards: