He took her from me... That nasty conniving Titan Iapetus dragged my wife away from her home and into the world of the living where I can't follow. That part of the world doesn't belong to me. But wait, I have a plan...
Talk To Hades (In In Between Three Worlds)
At the dawn of time my brothers Zeus, Poseidon and I drew the lots to divide the world among us. I got the Underworld, Zeus got to rule the skies and Poseidon the seas. I want a re-do and you will be my champion. Complete my brothers' tasks so they agree to it.
Fulfill Zeus' Task (In In Between Three Worlds)
Fulfill Poseidon's Task (In In Between Three Worlds)
You're my champion and we're going to change the fate of this world. My brothers and I will draw the lots again and I WILL get the world of the living this time around. That's the only way I can enter it and save my beloved Persephone.
Help Hades Win The Draw (In In Between Three Worlds)