I've got my trident, as good as new! But surely you don't expect me to walk around - this stylish - without a ride!? I need my chariot. Do I know where it is? No. My priest can help you get it for me. Now leave.
Talk To Priest Of Poseidon (In Delivery Docks)
A chariot for my master, you say? Yeah, he doesn't really like to walk. We have that in common. I had some stuff for the chariot delivered here, so you can build him a new one. I'll be here for moral support.
Build The Chariot (In Delivery Docks)
Talk To Priest Of Poseidon (In Delivery Docks)
We've got the chariot, but it won't just move by itself, man, it's not magical. You better get some fancy horses to pull it. I don't really get on with horses, so you'll have to do it yourself.