Unknown / Starts automatically after previous quest
You've got a strange feeling that something fishy is going on in the town. You should look for someone who will know what's happening...
Talk To Hepu The Merchant (In Town)
...our lovable family of Sneferu has vanished! I don't understand how it happened but I haven't seen them for a few days and I know they didn't have any plans for travelling! I have a suspicion that someone has abducted them...
Find Sneferu (In Dungeon Of Darkness)
I thought that nobody would rescue us from here. Someone has drugged us during a night and abducted us... Do you have any idea who could have done it?
Find Sneferus Wife (In Dungeon Of Darkness)
Unbelievable how clever you are! If you find our little son, we will give you a nice reward back in the town!