Unknown / Starts automatically after previous quest
China has just announced a sports tournament and our Digjong team is in shambles! We're going to need your help if we want to ace the game. I should warn you though. We barely know how to kick a ball.
Talk To Coach (In Blue Dragon Stadium)
Oops! It seems like we have a small problem. We can't very well train without footballs and cleats. Hurry up and find them so we can start shooting some goals!
Collect All The Footballs (6) (In Blue Dragon Stadium)
Collect All The Cleats (6) (In Blue Dragon Stadium)
The day of the tournament is approaching and we have nowhere to train! A herd of bulls has made the stadium their feasting ground. I don't think we can let them join the game...
Get The Bulls Out Of The Stadium (8) (In Blue Dragon Stadium)
If we want to kick our way towards the winning goal we still have a way to go. Maybe getting a professional player to help us out would turn things in our favour.
Find A Famous Football Player (In Blue Dragon Stadium)