Unknown / Starts automatically after previous quest
My server is glitching because I am behind on my protocols. I must deliver nourishment to Atlantis, but I seem to be missing my upper limbs to complete the task. Since all your limbs are functional, I expect it will be easy for you to do it for me.
Collect 12 Clumps Of Seaweed (12) (In Seafood Stall)
Collect 12 Lobsters (12) (In Seafood Stall)
My seafood analyzer says the seaweed has ideal moisture percentage and the lobsters are of satisfying weight and length. The nourishment protocol is now complete.
Talk To Servitor (In Seafood Stall)
Sometimes the nourishment is not meeting the intended quota and you require more seaweed or lobsters. According to my nourishment listings, more can be acquired at Seaweed Forest or Lobster Bay.